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- Used Rock Crushing Plant Pakistan

Orwak Power
ORWAK CONNECT – A SMART COMMUNICATION OPTION. Orwak Connect is a modem-based communication service enabling the baler to send a message for full bale or if the machine requires maintenance. Furthermore, the service offers great supervising opportunities!
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

INSERT FOR DRUM CRUSHING . Based on Orwak's standard baler 3210, this model can bale packaging material and when using the insert it becomes an effective drum crusher. It compacts drums 5:1 in 22 seconds. Any liquid resi-due is collected in the insert. Note! 3210-COMBI is only constructed for metal drums with a thickness of up to 0.7 mm!
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

ORWAK MULTI is a range of top-loaded multi-chamber balers designed to facilitate sorting and compacting different types of material at source.
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Orwak Flex
Combine the versatility of bins with the power of Orwak Trash Compactors! It is an in-bin waste compactor for standard two-wheeled 96 gallon bins – a robust and reliable machine that, thanks to its compact design, occupies little floor space.
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Orwak Power
Stronger. Faster. Smarter. ORWAK POWER is a range of really strong, dynamic balers fueled by an innovative hydraulic concept providing more strength and greater durability. Furthermore, the POWER family features a compact machine design that makes the balers easy to transport and install in locations where the ceiling height is limited. The POWER balers are Read more …
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

High capacity balers effectively compact your packaging waste
ORWAK POWER is a range of really strong, dynamic balers fueled by an innovative hydraulic concept providing more strength and greater durability. Furthermore, the POWER family features a compact machine design that makes the balers easy to transport and install in locations where the ceiling height is limited.
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Orwak Flex
Combine the versatility of bins with the power of Orwak Trash Compactors! It is an in-bin waste compactor for standard two-wheeled 96 gallon bins – a robust and reliable machine that, …
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

INSERT FOR DRUM CRUSHING Based on Orwak's standard baler 3210, this model can bale packaging material and when using the insert it becomes an effective drum crusher. It compacts drums 5:1 in 22 seconds. Any liquid resi-due is collected in the insert. Note! 3210-COMBI is only constructed for metal drums with a thickness of up to 0.7 mm!
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

orwak drum crusher 4525
The Orwak Flex product family features a collection of applications to meet special needs in waste handling and compaction – e.g. for mixed waste in bags, hazardous waste that requires compaction in a steel drum or as a combi solution that is …
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Orwak Power
ORWAK CONNECT – A SMART COMMUNICATION OPTION. Orwak Connect is a modem-based communication service enabling the baler to send a message for full bale or if the …
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Orwak Flex
Orwak Flex 5030-N HD The 5030-N HD model has a special application for safe compaction of hazardous waste (glass/cans/tins containing residual paint or chemicals) directly into drums. A steel pallet is included for stable placement …
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Orwak Power 3325 Drum Crusher
ORWAK POWER 3325-DC is a versatile dual-function unit! With an insert, the baler for cardboard and plastic is quickly transformed into a drum crusher! INSERT FOR DRUM CRUSHING Based on Orwak's standard baler 3325, this model can bale packaging material and when using the insert it becomes an effective drum crusher. It compacts drums 5:1 in 22 seconds. Any liquid …
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

crusher by adding a drum insert. This option makes the unit more versatile allowing it to both bale regular packaging waste and compact drums. It is easy to mount and remove the insert and it is equipped with a drip pan and a drain pipe to keep the machine clean from liquid residue. We reserve the right to make changes to specifications without ...
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Orwak 2500 DC
Orwak 2500 DC Orwak 2500 DC. AB Orwak Box 58, SE-576 22 Sävsjö, Sweden Tel: +46 382-157 00, Fax: +46 382-106 07 ... Technical specifications Special designed drum crusher Dimensions 2500 DC A: 2818 mm B: 950 mm C: 1784 mm D: and efficiently!895 mm E: 844 mm Loading aperture Width: 700 mm Height: 1050 mm Cycle time 31 secs
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Orwak Power 3325 Baler
The 3325 Baler is perfect for cardboard and particularly plastics. It has the same press force as the 3420, but features a swing door. This Baler has a very rapid cycle time of only 24 seconds, and features Autostart which makes the loading process much quicker for the user. As with all Balers in the Power range, the new PCB gives the option of communication and data retrieval, …
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Balers and trash compactors
Our biggest vertical baler, a robust and strong heavy-duty machine perfect for any business with large amounts of packaging! It generates high-density bales of up to 1100 lbs. These top …
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Orwak Power 3820 Baler
The 3820 Mill Size Baler has an extra wide opening for excessively large cardboard up to 1500mm wide. The reverse technique of pulling rather than pushing when compacting, in addition to the long piston stroke means a long heavy-duty service life. Essential for businesses that have a constant stream of waste to bale. The 3820 Baler has a very rapid cycle time of only 24 …
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Balers and trash compactors
Our biggest vertical baler, a robust and strong heavy-duty machine perfect for any business with large amounts of packaging! It generates high-density bales of up to 1100 lbs. These top-loaded double-chamber balers are designed for sorting and compaction of …
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Orwak Flex
Orwak Flex 5030-N HD The 5030-N HD model has a special application for safe compaction of hazardous waste (glass/cans/tins containing residual paint or chemicals) directly into drums. A steel pallet is included for stable placement of the drum inside the compactor.
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

orwak drum crusher 4525
The Orwak Flex product family features a collection of applications to meet special needs in waste handling and compaction – e.g. for mixed waste in bags, hazardous waste that requires …
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

High capacity balers effectively compact your …
ORWAK POWER is a range of really strong, dynamic balers fueled by an innovative hydraulic concept providing more strength and greater durability. Furthermore, the POWER family features a compact machine design that …
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Orwak "Compact" Vertical Balers
Orwak Compact earned its name thanks to its compact design. The small footprint in combination with the low height provides plenty of placement opportunities. This range is the right choice for companies with small amounts of recyclable packaging material.
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

INSERT FOR DRUM CRUSHING Based on Orwak's standard baler 3210, this model can bale packaging material and when using the insert it becomes an effective drum crusher. It compacts drums 5:1 in 22 seconds. Any liquid resi-due is collected in the insert. Note! 3210-COMBI is only constructed for metal drums with a thickness of up to 1/32''!
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Orwak "Compact" Vertical Balers
Orwak Compact earned its name thanks to its compact design. The small footprint in combination with the low height provides plenty of placement opportunities. This range is the right choice …
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Orwak 3210 DC
of drum crusher and baler Orwak 3210 DC has a similar functionality to the Orwak 2500 DC model but with a much shorter cycle time for drum crushing. It compacts drums 5:1 in 22 seconds. This dual-function model can also be used as a baler. Based on Orwak's standard baler, mo- del 3210, this machine can bale packaging
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Bag and bin compactors for mixed waste
A winning concept to slip a bag over a drum and compact the waste inside. When the bag is full, the drum is hoisted for easy removal.
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Balers and waste compactors
Orwak is happy to provide you with high quality bags and straps for your balers and waste compactors. The supplies are tested and selected to be strong, reliable and meet high demands.
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Fully automated Brickman briquette presses turn large amounts of waste into small briquettes for recycling. They rapidly minimize the volume of waste in a cost-effective way, diminish the need for internal transportation and help you keep aisles, passageways and other spaces free from clutter. 2000K has extra high capacity and can process up to 1500 kg material per hour and is ideal …
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Conveniently convert your ORWAK POWER 3420 baler to a drum crusher by adding a drum insert. This option makes the unit more versatile allowing it to both bale regular packaging waste and compact drums. It is easy to mount and remove the insert and it is equipped with a drip pan and a drain pipe to keep the machine clean from liquid residue.
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073