
Investing in South African Mines: Risk Mitigation Strategies

This article will provide investors with insights into the South African investment landscape and the opportunities the gold mining industry offers, including thoughts on …

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Global Mine Report 2023: PwC

In its 20th edition, PwC's 2023 Mine: The era of reinvention, an annual review of the Top 40 mining companies globally, examined trends in the mining industry. In this report, …

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Now is the time to invest in sustainable mining …

For investors and capital allocators, the integration of advanced technologies across various stages of mining — from exploration to recycling — offers significant growth potential and financial returns.

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A Beginner's Guide to Mining Stocks

Mining stocks are truly two distinct groups: majors and juniors. The majors are well-capitalized companies with decades of history, world-spanning operations, and slow and steady cash flow. Major mining companies are no different from large oil companies, and many of the same metrics apply with a mining twist. Both have p…

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The 5 biggest private funds investing in mining

Coming off a record 2015, 74 funds raised a total of $60bn in 2016 for investment in natural resources, which includes metals and mining, water, timberland and energy. Private providers of...

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Through-cycle investment in mining

The mining industry's current context creates a need and an opportunity to address the sector's financing challenges. Prices have sharply declined ... While through-cycle-mining returns are …

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Mining: What Investors Need to Know | INN

Mining is a popular investment sector — whether it's investing in gold as a safe-haven asset or taking a chance on cobalt, there is something for every investor to get excited about. Having...

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Investor Expectations for ESG in Mining Industry

Our survey revealed numerous insights into what motivates buyers and investors in the mining industry. One point that stood out above all others is the need for miners to embrace emerging technologies and digital …

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Invest in Africa: Why and How Mining is a Good Strategy

The mining industry in Africa is uncovering rich deposits of REE in Malawi and Namibia, and according to the Brookings Institute, South Africa's Steenkampskraal Mine has …

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Taking ESG seriously: The crucial role of mining investors in …

Taking ESG seriously: The crucial role of mining investors in the energy transition; Evolving trade and competition regulation in the push for green metals; China's pursuit of …

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2024 Mining Industry: Investment Trends and …

Key investment trends include green and sustainable mining, emerging and innovative mining technologies, and the exploration and development of new and existing regions. The impact of human activity on the …

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How to Invest in Australia's Booming Mining Industry

How big is Australia's mining market? What is its GDP? The size of Australia's mining market is vast. Exports of metals and energy raked in revenue of AU$413 billion for …

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Top 10 Venture Capital Investors in Mining Industry in the …

In terms of the geographic split, 2 out of 10 of the world's top 10 venture capital investors in the mining industry are headquartered in North America, while 5 are based in Asia, 2 are based in …

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Mining | Invest in Canada

Canada is a global mining powerhouse, with more than 60 types of metals and minerals, extensive mining expertise and a firm commitment to environmental, social and governance …

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Prior to joining Denham, Ziad was an Investment Banking Analyst on the Global Mining Team at TD Securities. Prior to joining TD Securities, he was an Investment Banking Analyst at …

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The Global Investor Commission on Mining 2030 is a collaborative investor-led initiative seeking to define a vision for a socially and environmentally responsible mining sector overall by 2030, and to develop a consensus about the role of …

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Global Mine Report 2023: PwC

In its 20th edition, PwC's 2023 Mine: The era of reinvention, an annual review of the Top 40 mining companies globally, examined trends in the mining industry. In this report, PwC found market capitalisation of the Top 40 …

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The biggest mining deals in 2024

According to industry analytics from Mining Technology's parent company, GlobalData, to date there have been 754 acquisitions totalling $99.73bn and 30 mergers …

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ResourcesDownload now(8.5 )Download Executive Summary(890 KB)Landscape Report: The Role of Investors in Realising an Environmentally and Socially Responsible Mining Industry …

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Mining Investment in South Africa: It Can Still Be Attractive …

Investors in mining know the industry and the country. Most mining investors who put their money into South Africa (+95%) do it via large market cap shares. These are much less risky than …

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A Comprehensive Guide to Metals and Mining

From individual stocks to metals and mining mutual funds and ETFs, there are many ways for investors to get a slice of the metals and mining pie. Similarly, metals and mining investment banking has been pivotal in driving …

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The effect of mining foreign direct investment inflow on …

The study employs the autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) approach to examine the relationship between foreign direct investment (FDI) in the mining sector on the Zimbabwe …

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