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A review of the geological characteristics and spatiotemporal
The wall-rock alteration in the orogenic deposit is characterized by quartz, sericite, chlorite, K-feldspar, carbonate, kaolinite, and epidote in a few deposits. ... The Ore-forming Conditions and Mineralization Predictions in the Ashele Copper-Zinc Belt. Geological Publishing House, Beijing (1996), pp. 1-330. in Chinese.
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(PDF) Transformation of Kaolinite into Smectite and Iron …
An authigenic transformation process likely taking place, from kaolinite to Fe-illite/glauconite, through transitory kaolinite- smectite and illite-smectite phases.
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sbm/sbm kaolinite and copper belt.md at master
sbm kaolinite and copper beltrge 184 119.139 Application of Principal Component. zoic copper mineralization (Fig.1a).Within this belt,the Jebal Barez area,which is part of the Kerman Cenozoic magmatic arc (KCMA),is known for its copper mineralization.Magmatic activity and copper mineralization within the CICMB are generally associ ated with porphyry copper …
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Copper-bearing clay minerals of the oxidized zone of the …
Copper forms a component of the clay minerals probably as surface adsorbed or/lattice-bound ions. Keywords. Copper in clays; kaolinite; illite; oxidized zone; biotite alteration; Singhbhum …
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Copper-bearing clay minerals of the oxidized zone of the
In the oxidized zone of Rakha-Chapri Block of the Singhbhum Copper Belt, alteration of biotite, chlorite and muscovite extends down to ∼ 60 m. Below this level, these minerals are not …
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Discrimination of Sericite Phyllic and Quartz-Rich Phyllic …
The argillic hydrothermal alteration is characterized by alunite and kaolinite which show the Al–OH absorption feature at 2.17 and 2.20 μm in the 5th and 6th bands of ASTER, …
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Surface complexation model for multisite adsorption of copper…
The copper-kaolinite association and mechanism of retention in altered copper-bearing rocks is also undetermined. In the Rakha-Chapri mining block (Singhbhum copper belt, India) supergene clay alteration products extend down to ∼60 m and are comprised predominantly of kaolinite.
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Application of ASTER data for exploration of porphyry …
The Cenozoic Urumieh–Dokhtar Magmatic Belt (UDMB) of Iran is a major host to porphyry Cu ± Mo ± Au deposits (PCDs). Most known PCDs in the UDMB occur in the …
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Potential and future direction for copper resource …
The alteration minerals are mainly composed of alunite, adularia, kaolinite, dickite, and pyrophyllite. Its formation temperatures are low (50–200 °C), some of which form at temperatures up to 300 °C. ... and the Nenjiang–Balihan fault is located on the east side of the mineralization belt. Copper is a dominant mineral in the Daxing ...
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The Miocene Gangdese porphyry copper belt generated …
The Himalayan–Tibetan collisional orogenic belt is a significant but poorly understood setting in which two Himalayan porphyry Cu belts have been recognized (Fig. 1; …
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Metallogenesis and the minerogenetic series in the …
The Gangdese is a newly explored porphyry Cu ore belt in China. In fact, except for the porphyry Cu deposits there are a lot of other deposits, forming a polymetallic copper belt in the southern Gangdese (SG, i.e., southern Lhasa terrane) and Gangdese back–arc fault uplift belt (GBAFUB, also called Lungar–Nyainqêntanglha arc).
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Abstract-The adsorption of Cu'+ on kaolinite was studied at different ionic strengths following various treatments of the mineral surface in order to evaluate the conditions influencing …
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Geology of the Caspiche Porphyry Gold-Copper Deposit, Maricunga Belt
The Caspiche porphyry gold-copper deposit, part of the Maricunga gold-silver-copper belt of northern Chile, was discovered in 2007 beneath postmineral cover by the third company to explore the property over a 21-year period.
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Regional Mapping of Hydrothermally Altered Igneous …
Along the Urumieh-Dokhtar, Chagai, and Alborz Belts of Western Asia Using Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) Data and Interactive Data Language (IDL) Logical Operators—A Tool for Porphyry Copper Exploration and Assessment. This page left intentionally blank. ... features to map kaolinite and alunite ...
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(PDF) Surface complexation model for multisite adsorption …
In the Rakha-Chapri mining block (Singhbhum copper belt, India) supergene clay alteration products extend down to ⬃60 m and are comprised predominantly of kaolinite. Tenginkai et al. …
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Copper(II) Interactions with Kaolinite: Factors Controlling …
The adsorption of Cu 2+ on kaolinite was studied at different ionic strengths following various treatments of the mineral surface in order to evaluate the conditions influencing …
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The Miocene Gangdese porphyry copper belt generated …
The Miocene Gangdese porphyry copper belt generated during post-collisional extension in the Tibetan Orogen. Author links open overlay panel Zengqian Hou a b ... -quartz assemblages that filled fissures in the alteration zone. Argillic alteration is represented by kaolinite and clay mineral assemblages; it overprinted the early-formed quartz ...
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Mineral Prospectivity Mapping of Porphyry Copper Deposits …
Several large-scale porphyry copper deposits (PCDs) with high economic value have been excavated in the Duolong ore district, Tibet, China. However, the high altitudes and harsh conditions in this area make traditional exploration difficult. Hydrothermal alteration minerals related to PCDs with diagnostic spectral absorption features in the visible–near …
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Sub-pixel mineral mapping of a porphyry copper belt using EO …
We studied the applicability of data from the recently launched Landsat-8 for mapping hydrothermal alteration areas and lithological units associated with porphyry copper exploration in arid and semi-arid regions. Sar Cheshmeh copper mining district in the Urumieh-Dokhtar volcanic belt in south-eastern Iran was selected for a case study.
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Copper isotope fractionation during adsorption onto kaolinite …
Kaolinite is one of the most abundant components in clay minerals. It occurs widely in tropical and sub-tropical soils and is the second most abundant clay mineral in ocean sediments (Grim, 1968). Kaolinite has high surface areas with cation-exchange capacities. It is a representative layered aluminosilicate mineral with a simple structure.
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A remote sensing-based discrimination of high- and low …
belt, known as Dehaj–Sarduiyeh copper belt in Kerman province, has considerable economic poten-tial for porphyry copper mineralization. The largest porphyry copper mine of Iran, Sarcheshmeh, and 30 other deposits, such as Meiduk, Darrehzar, Nowchon, Sara and Iju are located at this area (Figure 1(b)). The study area is concentrated on three ...
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Spectral characteristics of minerals in alteration zones …
Kaolinite, as a dominant alteration mineral in the argillic zone, is distinguished by the wavelength and geometry of Al–OH band doublet near 2165 nm and 2200 nm. The measured …
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Geology and Hydrothermal Alteration of the
1. Introduction. The Duobuza gold-rich porphyry copper district is located in the Bangongco metallogenetic belt (BGCMB, Fig. 1) in Tibet and was discovered by No.5 Geological Team, Tibet Bureau of Geology and Exploration (TBGE) in 2000 (No.5 Geological Team, TBGE, 2003).Two main gold-rich porphyry copper deposits and anore occurrence have been …
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PRISMA hyperspectral imagery for mapping …
In current research, it is found that using PRISMA data, the band ratio algorithm is superior when compared to other implemented algorithms in detecting hydrothermal alteration associated with porphyry copper deposits.
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