
Major Mines & Projects | Toka Tindung Complex

Toka Tindung Gold Mine mining complex consists of several open pits, including the Toka, Araren and Kopra active producing open pits, and the Alaskar, Talawaan and Marawuwung open pits, …

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Major Mines & Projects | Toka Tindung Complex

Toka Tindung Gold Mine mining complex consists of several open pits, including the Toka, Araren and Kopra active producing open pits, and the Alaskar, Talawaan and Marawuwung open pits, which are in pre-production.

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Exploration Drilling Update at Toka Tindung Gold …

PT Archi Indonesia is pleased to announce an update to its Exploration and Resource Development program at the Toka Tindung Contract of Work in North Sulawesi. Significant …

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Toka Tindung Gold Exploration, Archi Indonesia (ARCI) …

The Toka Tindung Gold Mine consists of two long-term contracts of work covering a total area of 39,817 hectares spanning North Minahasa Regency and Bitung City, North …

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Hexagon's Mining division awarded significant project at …

Hexagon's Mining division has been awarded a multi-solution project at Toka Tindung gold mine in North Sulawesi, Indonesia. The phased deployment will see Hexagon systems for fleet …

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Key Investment Highlights – Archi Indonesia

Toka Tindung Gold Mine has established operation with 200+ koz of Annual Gold Production and 10 years of uninterrupted production history. Toka Tindung Gold Mine is also having significantly de-risked near-term upside expansion …

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Exploration Drilling Update at Toka Tindung Gold Mine

PT Archi Indonesia is pleased to announce an update to its Exploration and Resource Development program at the Toka Tindung Contract of Work in North Sulawesi. Significant …

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Toka Tindung

Archi Group has stake in the Toka Tindung Project – a gold and silver mine in North Sulawesi. Mining rights of the Toka Tindung Project is via two Contract of Work (CoW) companies, namely PT Meares Soputan Mining and PT …

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Archi to boost mine exploration to find new reserves

The Toka Tindung Gold Mine, which is located in North Sulawesi and managed through Archi's wholly owned subsidiaries, namely PT Meares Soputan Mining ("PT MSM") …

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Menengok Tambang Emas Archi di Manado, Salah …

Mine Manager Mining Tambang Emas Toka Tindung, Roelly Fransza Z mengatakan, tambang terus beroperasi dalam kondisi cuaca hujan maupun tidak, sebab kondisi tanah di lokasi tambang tetap memungkinkan …

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Toka Tindung Gold Project

METS was involved in the Toka Tindung Gold Project which included the creation of a financial model and metallurgical testwork. ... exploration, development and mining of …

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Toka Tindung Gold Prospect

The Toka Tindung Gold Prospect is located in close proximity to Manado, Indonesia. Its existence was initially uncovered in 1994. Subsequent to its discovery, preliminary development …

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Archi Indonesia – Archi Indonesia telah menjadi salah satu …

Tambang Emas Toka Tindung merupakan salah satu operasi pertambangan emas terbesar di kawasan Asia Tenggara. Pada tahun 2011, area pertambangan ini menghasilkan produksi …

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Archi Indonesia – Archi Indonesia has become one of the …

The Toka Tindung Gold Mine is one of the largest gold mining operation in Southeast Asia. In 2011, this mining site poured its first gold and up until 2020, Toka Tindung Gold Mine has …

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Menengok Tambang Emas Archi di Manado, Salah …

Archi mengelola Tambang Emas Toka Tindung melalui anak usahanya, PT Meares Soputan Mining dan PT Tambang Tondano Nusajaya. Perusahaan yang baru saja melantai di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) pada 28 …

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Toka Tindung gold mine

Toka Tindung is a small open pit gold mine in North Sulawesi, Indonesia, developed by Archipelago Resources with first production in 2011. The mine is now …

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Company Overview – Archi Indonesia

Since its establishment in 2009 and first gold poured in 2011, Archi through its Toka Tindung Gold Mine, has been able to produce approximately 1.9 million ounces of gold up to 2020, supported with a 3.6 Mtpa of processing plant …

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Ormat Technologies Inc.

RENO, Nev., Sept. 28, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Ormat Technologies Inc. (NYSE: ORA) and PT Archi Indonesia Tbk ("Archi"; IDX: ARCI), one of the largest pure-play gold mining …

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Toka Tindung Minahasa, Tambang Emas Terbesar di ASEAN

Archi mengelola Tambang Emas Toka Tindung melalui anak usahanya, PT Meares Soputan Mining dan PT Tambang Tondano Nusajaya. Perusahaan yang baru saja …

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Menengok Tambang Emas Archi di Manado, Salah Satu yang …

Archi mengelola Tambang Emas Toka Tindung melalui anak usahanya, PT Meares Soputan Mining dan PT Tambang Tondano Nusajaya. Perusahaan yang baru saja …

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Mineral Resources & Ore Reserves – Archi Indonesia

As at 31 December 2020, the Ore Reserves at Toka Tindung Gold Mine comprised of 98.3 million tones, with head grade averaging 1.23 g/t (Au) and 2.57 g/t (Ag), for 3,884 koz of contained …

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Toka Tindung returns to the spotlight

Archipelago Resources' prime focus is the development of the Toka Tindung gold project in Indonesia's North Sulawesi. A planned mining operation expected to begin late next …

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Company Overview – Archi Indonesia

Since its establishment in 2009 and first gold poured in 2011, Archi through its Toka Tindung Gold Mine, has been able to produce approximately 1.9 million ounces of gold up to 2020, …

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Business Overview

Toka Tindung Gold Mine is an open gold mine located approximately 35 km Northeast of Manado in North Sulawesi, Indonesia. It is currently mines using open pits method, consisting of Toka …

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Pertambangan Emas

PT Meares Soputan Mining. Tahun Berdiri. 1986. Aktivitas Bisnis. Semua Mineral selain Minyak dan Gas, Batu Bara, Uranium, dan Nikel. ... (open pit) di dalam area konsesinya, termasuk …

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A significant landslide in a gold mine at Araren pit in …

One of the sites operated by these companies is the Toka Tindung Gold Mine project, which is located at [1.596, 125.095]. The site is clearly identified on Google Maps.

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Toka Tindung Gold Exploration, Archi Indonesia …

The Toka Tindung Gold Mine consists of two long-term contracts of work covering a total area of 39,817 hectares spanning North Minahasa Regency and Bitung City, North Sulawesi. The contract of work, valid until 2041, is held …

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Toka Tindung

Archi Group has stake in the Toka Tindung Project – a gold and silver mine in North Sulawesi. Mining rights of the Toka Tindung Project is via two Contract of Work (CoW) …

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The Toka Tindung Gold Project Northern Sulawesi, Indonesia

Astute exploration on the northern Minahasa Peninsula, North Sulawesi, resulted in the discovery of the Toka Tindung, Pajajaran, Blambagan and Araren low-sulphidation quartz …

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