
4 Isolation and Purification of Plant Viruses

PLANT VIRUSES does not affect the infectivity of the virus. This causes the de­ naturation and aggregation of some of the plant proteins which can then be removed by low-speed centrifugation. (4) Filtration through charcoal, bentonite, diatomaceous earth, celite, etc. - these filter aids remove, besides the larger com­

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A general model of plant-virus disease infection …

In plant-virus disease epidemiology, dynamical models have invariably incorporated a bilinear inoculation rate that is directly proportional to both the abundance of healthy (susceptible) hosts and the abundance of infective vectors.

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Plant viruses are widespread and economi-cally important plant pathogens. Virtually all plants that humans grow for food, feed, and fiber are affected by at least one virus. It is the viruses of …

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(PDF) Viral Aggregation: Impact on Virus Behavior in the …

Virus aggregation-disaggregation is a complex process and predicting the behavior of any individual virus is difficult under a given set of environmental circumstances without actual experimental data. 1] We investigated transport of viruses through saturated and …

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A general model of plant-virus disease infection …

ecology and evolution of plant viruses is particularly complex because most are transmitted between plants by vectors. A three-way interaction exists between virus, host plant and vector, and transmission of viruses is controlled by two processes: acquisition of virus from infected plants; and inoculation of healthy host plants by vectors.

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(PDF) Plant Viruses: Diversity, Interaction and …

This book includes chapters on the evolution of plant viruses, genomic structure, diversity, plant–virus and vector–virus interactions, sub-cellular movement, and so forth. The subject matter...

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A general model of plant-virus disease infection …

In plant-virus disease epidemiology, dynamical models have invariably incorporated a bilinear inoculation rate that is directly proportional to both the abundance of healthy …

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Role of nanotechnology in management of plant viral diseases

Plant viral diseases cause huge economic losses and threat to sustainable agriculture. Nanotechnology is a growing technology in agronomy for the management of plant diseases.

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4 Isolation and Purification of Plant Viruses

Virus aggregation-disaggregation is a complex process and predicting the behavior of any individual virus is difficult under a given set of environmental circumstances without actual …

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Recent developments in detection and diagnosis of plant viruses

To control the increased spread of plant virus diseases and to avoid threats of epidemics caused by known and/or novel/emerging/ re-emerging/invasive viruses, it is very essential to diagnose the ...

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4 Isolation and Purification of Plant Viruses

There are three main steps in the purification of a plant virus: (a) extraction of the sap; (b) clarification of the crude sap; (c) isolation of the virus.

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Virus RNA is also 'genome' RNA since itcontains genetic information for virus protein replication, for the enzymes necessary for replication and also for properties such as symptom production and vector specificity. Translation of viralRNA. Studies of the translation of plant virus mRNA show three methods of genome expression. 1.

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doi: 10.1007/978-1-0716-0334-5 21

Selection of the right kind of a host plant for the propagation of virus to be purified is of paramount importance (Fig. 21.1). A good propagation host should be susceptible and contain high concentration of virus in the plant and should not contain a high Fig 21.1 Various stages in the purification of a virus 134 Purification of Plant Viruses

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(PDF) Plant Viruses: Diversity, Interaction and Management …

This book includes chapters on the evolution of plant viruses, genomic structure, diversity, plant–virus and vector–virus interactions, sub-cellular movement, and so forth. The subject matter...

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Characterization of Plant Viruses: Methods and Protocols

This book is a comprehensive practical manual containing protocols for identification, characterization and detection of viruses infecting plants. Various methods based on biological, physico-chemical, serological and nucleic acid properties of the viruses are dealt in detail.

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doi: 10.1007/978-1-0716-0334-5 21

For potyviruses, use of urea was found useful in reducing aggregation. Use of enzymes like pecti-nase and cellulase aids in release of virus particles that would otherwise remain in the fibre …

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doi: 10.1007/978-1-0716-0334-5 21

For potyviruses, use of urea was found useful in reducing aggregation. Use of enzymes like pecti-nase and cellulase aids in release of virus particles that would otherwise remain in the fibre fraction.

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Plant Virus Epidemiology: Applications and Prospects

In this article, we consider the contribution of mathematical models developed using a wide range of techniques and uses to the study of plant virus disease epidemics.

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A general model of plant‐virus disease infection …

Infection rates for plant-virus diseases that are of a more general form than the familiar bilinear terms are examined and it is proposed that spatial aggregation of the vectors is an inevitable consequence of infection, particularly with a severe virus strain or a sensitive host. In plant-virus disease epidemiology, dynamical models have invariably incorporated a bilinear …

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Vector acquisition and co-inoculation of two plant viruses

This study provides new knowledge about the importance of virus-virus-plant, virus-virus-vector, and vector-plant interactions on the propagation of two viruses as single and...

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Plant viruses are widespread and economi-cally important plant pathogens. Virtually all plants that humans grow for food, feed, and fiber are affected by at least one virus. It is the viruses of cultivated crops that have been most studied because …

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Transmission of plant viruses in fields through …

We focus on noninsect and insect transmission of plant viruses and the relationship between insect vectors and plant viruses. Well-described insect-vector–transmitted viruses belong to...

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5 Virus Purification

Detailed information on methods of plant virus purification may be found in publications by Steere (1959), Brakke (1967), Kado and Agrawal (1972) and Noordam (1973). 5.2 Propagation of Virus for Purification The choice of host plant in which a virus is multiplied for purification is often critical, and it may be a different species from the ...

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(PDF) A Comparison of Deterministic and Stochastic Plant-Vector-Virus

the stochastic plant-vector-virus model when a few infected plants or vectors spread the disease and (3) compare the disease dynamics of deterministic and stochastic models in terms of disease ...

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Viral Aggregation: Impact on Virus Behavior in the …

Virus aggregation-disaggregation is a complex process and predicting the behavior of any individual virus is difficult under a given set of environmental circumstances without actual experimental ...

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Plant Virus Epidemiology: Applications and …

In this article, we consider the contribution of mathematical models developed using a wide range of techniques and uses to the study of plant virus disease epidemics.

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4 Isolation and Purification of Plant Viruses

42 PLANT VIRUSES material, but for consistently successful purification a larger quantity than this is desirable. Another important point is the plant used as a source of virus; many factors are concerned here. As a rule, young plants, showing recent systemic symptoms, have a higher virus content than old plants long infected, and contain

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(PDF) Nanotechnology for Nanophytopathogens: …

Plant viruses are the most destructive pathogens which cause devastating losses to crops due to their diversity in the genome, rapid evolution, mutation or recombination in the genome, and lack of ...

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Characterization of Plant Viruses: Methods and …

This book is a comprehensive practical manual containing protocols for identification, characterization and detection of viruses infecting plants. Various methods based on biological, physico-chemical, serological and nucleic acid …

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Transmission of plant viruses in fields through various vectors

We focus on noninsect and insect transmission of plant viruses and the relationship between insect vectors and plant viruses. Well-described insect-vector–transmitted viruses belong to...

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(PDF) Self and cross-aggregation behavior of virus with …

There was no apparent cross aggregation between viruses exhibiting different terminal sugars except for SA and Galactose. The type of terminal sugar only determined the aggregation potential of ...

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