
(PDF) Current State, Comprehensive Analysis and Proposals …

The main goal of this study is to investigate the factors that promote or hinder the practice of CDW reuse and recycling in Portugal, and it is expected to give important contributions, namely: (i) …

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Life cycle assessment on construction and demolition waste …

Life cycle assessment (LCA) is increasingly being applied to construction and demolition waste (CDW) recycling. But what is the current state of LCA studies on CDW recycling? In the …

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Strategies to promote construction and demolition …

Construction and demolition waste (CDW) policies and practices are very important subjects to be considered in the context of the eficiency of the construction sector (Kabirifar et al., 2020a), specifically when considering a circular economy approach (Oluleye et al., 2022).

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Construction and demolition waste in Portugal: actual …

In 2008, Portuguese national legislation was created to regulate construction and demolition waste (CDW). The present work intends to show how CDW management has been conducted in Portugal since then.

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Construction and demolition waste in Portugal: actual …

In 2008, Portuguese national legislation was created to regulate construction and demolition waste (CDW). The present work intends to show how CDW management has been conducted …

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Universidade do Minho: Current state, comprehensive …

In Portugal, the low recycling rate, combined with a high use of landfill as a way of managing CDW, has resulted in a negative index of 39% in the waste hierarchy, thus making it …

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Boxer Club Portugal

Moreover, construction waste management helps conserve natural resources. Reusing and recycling materials reduce the demand for new raw materials, which in turn reduces the environmental impact associated with extraction and processing. 2. Economic Benefits. Construction waste management can also lead to significant cost savings.

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Economic viability analysis of a construction and demolition …

The few construction and demolition waste (CDW) recycling plants that there are in Portugal sepa-rate the materials and then crush and sieve them prior to final delivery. These plants have limited overall capacity and the quality of the output material is not good enough for higher grade applica-tions such as concrete and brick production.

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Economic viability analysis of a construction and demolition …

Economic viability analysis of a construction and demolition waste recycling plant in Portugal – part II: economic sensitivity analysis . × ... The traditional method of construction and demolition waste (CDW) consumes a substantial amount of land resources causing severe environmental and social problems. In Portugal, the low recycling rate ...

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Recycling Construction and Demolition Waste in the Sector of Construction

In addition, it sheds light on key management areas for improvement, such as waste reduction strategies and recycling efficiency, while exploring the environmental benefits of incorporating C&D ...

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Economic viability analysis of a construction and demolition …

The few construction and demolition waste (CDW) recycling plants that there are in Portugal separate the materials and then crush and sieve them prior to final delivery.

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Construction and demolition waste management in …

ABSTRACT: Recycling in Portugal is a fairly new business, especially when it comes to construction and demolition waste (CDW), where recycling efforts are minimal, although …

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Economic viability analysis of a construction and demolition recycling …

The few construction and demolition waste (CDW) recycling plants that there are in Portugal sepa-rate the materials and then crush and sieve them prior to final delivery. These plants have limited overall capacity and the quality of the output ... The traditional method of construction and demolition waste (CDW) consumes a substantial amount of ...

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Construction and Demolition Waste management in …

recycling in Portugal. The leading drivers identified were: existence of a specific legal framework and technical guides; existence of facilities for sorting and recycling (although the heterogeneity of geographical distribution); obligation to report data. The main barriers identified were:

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regarding construction materials in the Portuguese context. The goal is to present the different possibilities and methodologies for recycling and/or reuse of the construction and demolition …

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(PDF) Current State, Comprehensive Analysis and Proposals …

The traditional method of construction and demolition waste (CDW) consumes a substantial amount of land resources causing severe environmental and social problems. In Portugal, the low recycling rate, combined with a high use of landfill as a way of ... The perception of CDW reuse and recycling in the construction sector Portugal generates a ...

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Research on the method of engineering construction recycling …

In order to shift from post inspection to pre-control of construction quality, provide traceability for later management and maintenance, effectively promote the construction of 'smart construction sites', and improve the quality of highway construction, a project management method for engineering construction recycling materials based on BIM technology has been proposed. …

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Environmental Impact Assessment of Construction Waste Recycling …

The scientific community has revealed the environmental benefits of recycling construction waste (CW) versus its disposal, and its contribution to circularity. The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method enables the environmental impact of CW management to be quantified and facilitates the comparison of recycling versus alternative disposal scenarios. …

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(PDF) Construction and demolition waste generation and …

In Portugal, the low recycling rate, combined with a high use of landfill as a way of managing CDW, has resulted in a negative index of 39% in the waste hierarchy, thus making it …

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Strategies to promote construction and demolition …

Construction and demolition waste (CDW) policies and practices are very important subjects to be considered in the context of the eficiency of the construction sector (Kabirifar et al., 2020a), …

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Construction and demolition waste management in …

ABSTRACT: Recycling in Portugal is a fairly new business, especially when it comes to construction and demolition waste (CDW), where recycling efforts are minimal, although gaining momentum.

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(PDF) Current state, comprehensive analysis and proposals …

The main goal of this study is to investigate the benefits of CDW reuse and recycling and the factors that promote or hinder this practice in Portugal.

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Economic viability analysis of a construction and demolition …

Economic viability analysis of a construction and demolition waste recycling plant in Portugal – part II: economic sensitivity analysis ... (Vadde et al., 2007) and CDW recycling operations (Bohne et al., 2008). Although special purpose methods have been developed to perform sensitivity analysis from a general mathematical standpoint, as in ...

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(PDF) Current state, comprehensive analysis and …

Current state, comprehensive analysis and proposals on the practice of construction and demolition waste reuse and recycling in Portugal March 2022 Journal of Civil Engineering and Management 28(3 ...

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Life cycle assessment on construction and demolition waste recycling…

Life cycle assessment (LCA) is increasingly being applied to construction and demolition waste (CDW) recycling. But what is the current state of LCA studies on CDW recycling? In the context of circular economy, several aspects become important in LCA, such as avoided impacts and consideration of the quality of recycled materials.

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(PDF) Current state, comprehensive analysis and …

The main goal of this study is to investigate the benefits of CDW reuse and recycling and the factors that promote or hinder this practice in Portugal.

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

(PDF) Construction and demolition waste generation and …

In Portugal, the low recycling rate, combined with a high use of landfill as a way of managing CDW, has resulted in a negative index of 39% in the waste hierarchy, thus making it impossible for Portugal to be classified as a country that implements waste hierarchy in practice.

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Distribution of materials in construction and demolition waste in Portugal

In an extremely competitive market, where as in Portugal low-tech and high environmental impact procedures remain the norm in the construction industry (in particular, the construction waste industry), the introduction of a successful recycling industry is only possible with highly optimized processes and based on a knowledge-based approach to ...

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regarding construction materials in the Portuguese context. The goal is to present the different possibilities and methodologies for recycling and/or reuse of the construction and demolition waste (CDW), giving them a new purpose by replacing raw materials in the production phase or

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Environmental analysis of a construction and demolition waste recycling

Environmental analysis of a construction and demolition waste recycling plant in Portugal--Part I: energy consumption and CO2 emissions ... Instituto Superior Técnico, Technical University of Lisbon, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisbon, Portugal. PMID: 23422042 ... Simplified estimation methods are used to calculate industrial equipment ...

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(PDF) Current State, Comprehensive Analysis and Proposals …

The main goal of this study is to investigate the factors that promote or hinder the practice of CDW reuse and recycling in Portugal, and it is expected to give important contributions, namely: (i) to assess the general perception regarding CDW reuse and recycling in the construction sector; (ii) to study the benefits and difficulties of CDW ...

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Universidade do Minho: Current state, comprehensive …

In Portugal, the low recycling rate, combined with a high use of landfill as a way of managing CDW, has resulted in a negative index of 39% in the waste hierarchy, thus making it impossible for Portugal to be classified as a country that implements waste hierarchy in practice.

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073