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The Production of Sustainable Concrete with the …
Quarry dust and incinerator sewage sludge ash (ISSA) for fine aggregates, and glass for coarse ones, are the only alternative materials with a replacement level below 50%, due to their high impact on the mechanical …
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The Production of Sustainable Concrete with the Use of Alternative …
Fine aggregates showed the highest number of alternatives and replacement level, with the relevant impact on concrete properties; coarse aggregates, however, always …
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Concrete with Alternative Aggregates
investigates what are the different alternative/waste materials that can be used as aggregate by replace conventional aggregate in concrete production, followed by a review of previous …
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11 Alternatives to Cement That Make Better Concrete
Due to the high cost of this cement alternative, the material is usually reserved for making concrete for aggressive environmental conditions and other special projects. The most …
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Alternative Fine Aggregates to Produce Sustainable Self …
Emam E, & Al-tersawy SH (2012) Recycled glass as a partial replacement for fine aggregate in self compacting concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 35, 785–791. …
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The Production of Sustainable Concrete with the Use of Alternative …
The concrete industry is a core element of the building sector, but it has to deal with the increasing attention on the environmental issues related to the production process: …
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Materials | Special Issue : Recycled Aggregate …
Recycled Aggregate Concrete and Alternative Binders for Sustainable Building Engineering Print Special Issue Flyer; ... (ASR) is an important consideration in ensuring the long-term durability of concrete …
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Alternative concrete aggregates
This paper comprehensively examines materials from three groups of alternative aggregates (demolition waste (CDW), end-of-life manufactured materials waste, and …
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(PDF) Alternate aggregates for concrete
Use of recycled aggregates in portland cement concrete (PCC) construction can offer benefits associated with both economy and sustainability. Testing performed to date …
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Alternative Coarse Aggregate in Concrete: A Review
By using this much volume of natural aggregates by keeping in mind and to saving natural materials for future generations, the present research is mainly focusing the replacing …
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Alternative fine aggregates in production of sustainable concrete …
It is because of inadequate knowledge about influencing parameters to make a sustainable mortar/concrete with alternative aggregates. The lack of technologies for effective …
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Alternative coarse aggregate for sustainable and eco-friendly concrete …
Reviewed the features of 13 alternative coarse aggregates as a replacement for natural coarse aggregate. Alternative coarse aggregates from different by-products and waste …
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Concrete with Alternative Aggregates
aggregates from recycled waste streams or other non-conventional aggregate materials (e.g., lightweight aggregate). These are defined as alternative aggregate (AA).
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12 sustainable alternatives to traditional concrete
Replacement Of Coarse Aggregate in Concrete
Several experiments discovered several alternatives to the original aggregate. There are various alternative materials for can be used as replacements of coarse aggregate in concrete, as shown below.WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Alternative coarse aggregate for sustainable and eco …
Reviewed the features of 13 alternative coarse aggregates as a replacement for natural coarse aggregate. Alternative coarse aggregates from different by-products and waste …
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The Production of Sustainable Concrete with the Use of Alternative …
Quarry dust and incinerator sewage sludge ash (ISSA) for fine aggregates, and glass for coarse ones, are the only alternative materials with a replacement level below 50%, …
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Alternative coarse aggregate for sustainable and eco-friendly concrete …
China uses approximately 200 million tons of recycled materials in construction (Xiao et al. 2012), mostly recovered from its 1.13 billion ton of C&DW generated annually.
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Various Substitute Aggregate Materials for Sustainable …
From this perspective, this Special Issue is a collection of ten papers focused on various alternative aggregate materials for sustainable concrete development, including …
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Replacement Of Coarse Aggregate in Concrete
There are a number of materials available for the alternative for coarse aggregate in concrete. In concrete, we can alternate cement with reuse materials to reduce energy consumption. The …
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Structural Concrete from Recycled Aggregates
The construction industry is one of the primary contributors to Greenhouse Gasses (GHGs), as it is responsible for 40% of the world's energy consumption, 30% of raw material …
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Review of alternative ash aggregates in concrete-solution …
Owing to the depletion of natural resources, new alternative materials are emerging in construction industry. Especially, development of alternative binders and aggregates using …
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12 sustainable alternatives to traditional concrete
Below are 12 substitutes for concrete that could offer sustainability benefits for the built environment: 1. Green concrete. Green concrete is different from its traditional …
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Various Substitute Aggregate Materials for Sustainable Concrete
From this perspective, this Special Issue is a collection of ten papers focused on various alternative aggregate materials for sustainable concrete development, including …
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Alternative fine aggregates in production of sustainable concrete …
This leads to exploring suitable alternative materials, which are sustainable, and economical (Nanthagopalan and Santhanam, 2010; ... It is because of inadequate knowledge …
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9 Concrete Alternatives That Are Adopted In …
5. Papercrete or Fibrous Concrete. Papercrete is a concrete alternative made by recycling waste paper and used as an aggregate material in concrete. The cement is not entirely replaced by papercrete in the concrete mixture. But …
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Since recycled aggregate offers an alternative to conventional natural concrete, its potential to contribute to a sustainable future has been examined through experimental activity.
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Various Substitute Aggregate Materials for Sustainable Concrete
Therefore, a considerable amount of social and research interest has focused on finding alternative aggregate materials to replace natural aggregates. Considering that …
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The Production of Sustainable Concrete with the …
Fine aggregates showed the highest number of alternatives and replacement level, with the relevant impact on concrete properties; coarse aggregates, however, always reach a complete replacement,...
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