
Cocaine addiction!

We fished the Monkey Box and worked the open water with the jig poles. 80% of the our fish were caught on cocaine jigs and the rest were caught on banana pudding. All the …

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I've had re-rock cocaine a couple of times. The stuff I had always appeared to have a slight off-white color. Was usually small square dish chunks no bigger than your index …

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How to re-rock cocaine?

You can clean it with acetone, then i mix it with a little water, and i mean a little and then putt he water/coke mix ona hotplate and it comes back into nice sized shiny crystally …

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How to rerock coke?

Step one: Start with high-quality cocaine powder – Cocaine powder of good quality is essential to obtain solid and desirable rocks. 2. Step two: Add a solvent – A solvent, such as …

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Cocaine Quick, easy way to boost purity of crack

But when you cook up crack from cocaine, oftentimes lots of baking soda gets mixed in there that isn't fully dissolved into the oil. It definitely works after I've made my own …

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Best way to extract resin is to use a glass dropper and pour acetone through the pipe and onto a glass table (or better, into a pyrex dish) - just the bare minimum of acetone!!. …

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How to Fish Diamond Jigs and Teasers | Salt Water Sportsman

Kittredge cautions against using three-way swivels for the teaser because they're highly visible and can lead to a fouled rig, ruining the presentation. Kittredge uses a …

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WTB 1/16th oz Cocaine jigs

WTB 1/16th oz Cocaine jigs Anybody sell ? 01-09-2024, 09:07 AM #2. JUNGLEJIMJIGS. View Profile View Forum Posts View Articles Crappie 2K Star General …

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What Is Fake Cocaine? How To Identify It

The smell of fake cocaine is also dependent on what was used in its synthesis, as well as how it is used. Fake cocaine can be snorted, ingested orally, smoked, or injected. Smoking fake cocaine may have the most …

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How to Overcome Cocaine Addiction: Practical Tips for Success

Psychological Aspects of Cocaine Addiction. In addition to the physiological changes in the brain, cocaine addiction is also influenced by psychological factors. Many …

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Crappie | Rockhill Jigs

High quality hand tied crappie hair jigs Rockhilljigs High quality hand tied crappie hair jigs Rockhilljigs top of page. Rockhilljigs@gmail. 660-628-4171. ... Curious to know what …

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Northland Tackle Rock-It Jig | Karl's Bait & Tackle

The Northland Tackle Rock-It Jig is the perfect tool for any vertical fishing scenario. For example, when you're jigging live bait or soft plastics over a deep ledge or brush pile to entice walleye, …

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take a 100 dollar bill, and wrap it around your pill/rock or whatever. now use the bottom and side of your lighter to crush it up. it's inside the bill so it will stay inside the bill and …

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Safer Ways to Use Crack Cocaine

Put a small rock in the middle of the foil. Step 3. Hold the foil in one hand and, with the straw in your mouth, heat the rock from below with a lighter. Step 4. When the rock turns liquid, inhale the vapour through the straw. Things to …

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Cocaine addiction!

We fished the Monkey Box and worked the open water with the jig poles. 80% of the our fish were caught on cocaine jigs and the rest were caught on banana pudding. ... Get …

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breaking a cocaine rock

i just bought some cocaine which came in a rock and i had to cut it as finely as possibly with a razor blade, i thought it was too time consuming. what better ways are there?

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I mix half and half then spray with pure acetone, then place in a container of desired shape under pressure until completely dry the longer you let dry the harder it will re …

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The Countere Guide to Rerocking Cocaine

Rerocking cocaine is a method to cut cocaine while keeping it in rock form, as rock cocaine is more valuable than powder cocaine. Although rerocked cocaine isn't as soft or …

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Snorting Crushing cocaine rocks to a fine powder solved

After trying it out a couple times with small amounts, then one big amount, the technique is like shredding cheese - don't try to force the rocks through the mesh, rather use a …

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Crack resin: what do you usually tend to do with it?

Finally, what is more efficient, scraping the resin out of the pipe (and then, I assume packing that on top of the screen like if it were a rock), or pushing the screen from one …

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How do you rerock cocaine?

No cocaine is not from a rock, cocaine is from the leaves of the tropical coca plant. What is a 20 of cocaine? It is a measurement of cocaine. a 20 is .8g to 1 gram of cocaine.

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How Cocaine Is Used: Methods of Cocaine Use

Cocaine is a stimulant drug with a high potential for misuse, and, like many other drugs, is an addictive substance. 1 There are several ways that a person can use cocaine, with each method of use producing different, unsafe …

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