
Method for ammoniacal leaching of copper from oxidised copper ores

a method for leaching copper from an oxidised copper ore wherein at least 5% of the copper present in the oxidised copper ore is in the form of an oxidised copper compound comprising the method steps of: applying an aqueous solution of a curing agent to the oxidised copper ore, producing a cured ore; forming a leach solution by applying an ammoniacal solution that has …

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Agitation and column leaching studies of oxidised copper …

Sulphuric acid agitation and column leaching tests of an oxidised copper-cobalt-bearing ore (1.44% Cu and 1.04% Co) were performed to investigate its amenability to copper …

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Study of Factors Affecting the Copper Ore Leaching Process

Liquid extraction technology of the sulfuric acid leaching method remains the main processing method for off-balance ores and waste dumps which predominantly comprise …

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Structural Equation Modelling the leaching of oxidised …

Models that well predict the leaching behaviour of Cu, Co, Ni and Fe in HCl aqueous solution of an oxidised copper-cobalt ore. A comprehensive set of experimental batch leaching tests was …

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Agitation and column leaching studies of oxidised copper-cobalt ores

Changes in pH and potential during column leaching of oxidised copper-cobalt ore during open cycle leaching by using the small column. In order to reduce the amount of unreacted SO 2 that is entrained in the leach liquor, column leaching tests were done with recirculation of the leach liquor. However, the reducing agent was injected only during ...

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Acid leaching of oxide-sulfide copper ore prior the …

The leaching of oxide copper ore containing malachite, which is the unique copper mineral in the ore, by aqueous ammonia solution has been studied. The effect of leaching time, ammonium hydroxide ...

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Leaching Kinetics of Cu from Low-Grade Oxidized Copper Ore …

Low-grade oxidized copper ore with a high alkaline gangue content is considered refractory due to its high CaO and MgO content, which leads to significant sulfuric acid consumption during leaching and environmental pollution from the ammonia leaching process. In this study, an aqueous solution of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium salt (EDTA·2Na) …

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Leaching kinetics and predictive models for elements …

The effect of time on the leaching of copper, cobalt and iron from the copper oxide ore (0.77 M H 2 SO 4, ambient temperature ( § 23 °C), 5 g of ore, particle size: 80%À62.23 mm, S/L: 13%, 300 ...

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(PDF) Leaching of Copper Sulphides

In the ten years from 2003 to 2013 global mine production of copper has increased by over 23% to meet demand while the weighted average head grade has dropped from 0.9 to 0.7% Cu.

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Effect of Incorporation of Sulfation in Columnar …

In this study, the aim was to develop a model for column leaching of oxidized copper ore based on the SCM, which incorporates the ore sulfation stage before leaching.

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Agitation Leaching Behavior of Copper–Cobalt Oxide Ores …

Agitation leaching is a promising technology in hydrometallurgy for treating copper–cobalt oxide ores. In this work, the behavior of oxide ores containing around 2.3% Cu and 0.3% Co received from Congo was investigated for varying particle size, acidity, pulp density, temperature, leaching time, and reduction potential. XRD, optical microscopy (OM), and ICP …

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Efficient Acid Leaching of Low Carbonate Copper Oxide Ore: …

Recent focus on hydrometallurgical methods for non-sulfide copper ores prompted a study on leaching a copper oxide ore containing 2.22% Cu, 44.9% SiO2, 6.94% Al, 6.61% …

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Efficient Acid Leaching of Low Carbonate Copper Oxide Ore…

Recent focus on hydrometallurgical methods for non-sulfide copper ores prompted a study on leaching a copper oxide ore containing 2.22% Cu, 44.9% SiO2, 6.94% Al, 6.61% Fe, 6.25% Mg, 3.67% Ca, and 1.7% Na with H2SO4 for gaining insight into the behavior of impurities in the leaching process. The effects of leaching time (30–180 min), acid concentration (0.25–2 …

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Structural Equation Modelling the leaching of oxidised …

of an oxidised copper-cobalt ore. A comprehensive set of experimental batch leaching tests was executed to study the effect of operating variables (pH, time, temperature and stirring speed) on the relative leaching yields of Cu, Co, Ni and Fe during the leaching of an oxidised copper-cobalt ore sample in an HCl aqueous solution.

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Leaching of Copper Ores: Effects of Operating Variables

Leaching of copper from a Jordanian copper ore has been studied using a stirred batch reactor with hydrochloric acid as the main lixiviant, under the following conditions: temperature 25 – 45 oC ...

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Agitation and column leaching studies of oxidised copper-cobalt ores

The efficiency of reductive leaching of oxidised copper-cobalt ore with sulphuric acid is highly dependent on pH (≈1.5). The pH can be maintained by the addition of make-up acid. Moreover, the amount of reducing agent used to reduce Co(III) is only partially utilised (Miller, 2008), a good part of it is therefore found unreacted in the leach ...

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Leaching Thermodynamics of Low-Grade Copper Oxide Ore …

The raw copper oxide ore was leach for 4 h under the conditions of ammonia concentration of 1.2 mol/L, ammonium sulfate concentration of 0.6 mol/L, liquid–solid mass ratio of 2:1, stirring …

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Copper Leaching Practices

Inplace leaching techniques are applicable to leaching oxide and sulfide ores of copper and other metals. The basic principles involved are similar to those for dump or heap leaching. The leach solutions must pass downward through the ore and contact and dissolve the copper-bearing minerals. Adequate arrangements are necessary to collect the ...

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Leaching Oxidized Copper Ores: Effect Of Strength Of …


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Study of Factors Affecting the Copper Ore …

In the 1970–90s, it was suggested that different additives be used to intensify the sulfide copper ore leaching process with acid solutions, such as sulfuric and nitric iron ... The effect of ferric iron on the dissolution of copper …

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Enhanced leaching of copper from refractory oxidized …

Numerous researchers have explored various methods to enhance the leaching rate of copper from cupriferous mica or other refractory copper oxide ores. These methods include preoxidation with concentrated sulfuric acid, ultrasonic shredding, microwave roasting, and the …

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Heap Leaching Oxide and Sulfide Copper Ores

The acid consumptions curves for the oxide copper ore (number 3) with a high iron oxide-tactile gangue were somewhat different than those of oxide copper-porphery gangue ore number 1. In tests 9 through 14 the incremental acid curves were generally low at the start, fairly high after 3 to 4 days of leaching, and very high thereafter.

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AmmLeach A New Paradigm in Copper Cobalt …

The predominant current processes for the treatment of oxidized copper–cobalt ores use a reductive acid leach to bring the desired metals into solution. However, the indiscriminate …

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