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Intimal Hyperplasia and Arteriovenous Fistula Failure: …
Variability in intimal hyperplasia in preaccess basilic veins from patients with ESKD. (A–C) Cross-sections of basilic veins collected during first-stage surgery of a two-stage brachiobasilic …
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TET2 Protects Against Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Apoptosis and Intimal
Background: Coronary allograft vasculopathy (CAV) is a devastating sequela of heart transplant in which arterial intimal thickening limits coronary blood flow. There are …
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Intimal Hyperplasia and Arteriovenous Fistula Failure: …
Intimal hyperplasia (IH) is a buildup of myofibroblast-like cells (neointimal cells) and extracellular matrix (ECM) within the tunica intima, the innermost layer of the vein (1). In preaccess veins of …
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Intimal Hyperplasia
Intimal hyperplasia occurs frequently after vascular interventions such as vein bypass grafts, endarterectomies, arteriovenous fistulas, prosthetic bypass grafts, balloon …
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Morphology of intimal hyperplasia
The hyperplastic intima differs from the media in its architecture, which is less lamellar in the orientation of the cells with respect to the direction of flow, in the characteristics of the …
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Analysis of arterial intimal hyperplasia: review …
Despite a prodigious investment of funds, we cannot treat or prevent arteriosclerosis and restenosis, particularly its major pathology, arterial intimal hyperplasia. A cornerstone question lies behind all approaches to the …
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Molecular mechanisms in intimal hyperplasia
uterus. Diffuse intimal thickening also occurs naturally with age in the human aorta [7] as a result of expansion of the pre-existing VSMC population, probably sup-plemented by cells that have …
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Is intimal hyperplasia an adaptive response or a pathologic …
Two principal morphologic forms of intimal thickening may be distinguished: (1) intimal fibromuscular hypertrophy (IFH), an orderly, layered widening including both smooth muscle …
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Intimal hyperplasia
This process, known as intimal hyperplasia, is seen following vascular reconstruc- tion, balloon angioplasty, organ transplantation, angiography, vascular access and …
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Hemodynamics, Atherosclerosis, Intimal Hyperplasia, and …
The pathophysiology and risk factors for development of both intimal hyperplasia and atherosclerosis will be discussed in detail, as they both play an important role in vascular …
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Distal Anastomotic Intimal Hyperplasia: …
Distal anastomotic intimal hyperplasia is a biologic entity with active cellular and subcellular events. Its biogenesis appears to be influenced by the hemodynamics of blood flow at the …
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Molecular mechanisms in intimal hyperplasia
Intimal hyperplasia occurs physiologically in closure of the ductus arteriosus after birth 6 and during involution of the uterus. Diffuse intimal thickening also occurs naturally with …
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In vivo evaluation of compliance mismatch on intimal …
Small diameter synthetic vascular grafts have high failure rate due to the thrombosis and intimal hyperplasia formation. Compliance mismatch between the synthetic graft and native artery has …
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Intimal Hyperplasia
Intimal hyperplasia is a highly complex process that involves several tissues (perivascular, 42 vessel wall, and blood), numerous cell lineages, and multiple molecular …
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Intimal Hyperplasia—Still Here after All These Years!
Despite the many recent technological advances in vascular intervention, intimal hyperplasia (IH) remains an expensive, morbid, and unsolved problem. It is estimated that hyperplastic lesions …
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Intimal hyperplasia: slow but deadly
Intimal hyperplasia is the leading cause of long-term failure in coronary artery bypass vein grafting, coronary artery stenting, angioplasty, arteriovenous fistula for dialysis, and allograft …
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The Effects of Pro-Inflammatory and Anti-Inflammatory …
The process flow of the final articles selection from both Pubmed and Scopus databases. 3.2. Study Characteristics. In this review, the search that was conducted through Pubmed and …
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Pharmacological prevention of intimal hyperplasia: A state …
Intimal hyperplasia (IH) occurs in a considerable number of cases of blood vessel reconstruction by stenting or balloon angioplasty, venous bypass grafting, and arteriovenous dialysis …
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Pathobiology of intimal hyperplasia
Intimal hyperplasia may be defined as the abnormal migration and proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells with associated deposition of extracellular connective tissue …
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Intimal Hyperplasia
Intimal hyperplasia refers to an expansion of the intima by primarily smooth muscle cells and myofibroblasts through either local proliferation, migration of cells from the media or adventitia, …
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In vivo evaluation of compliance mismatch on intimal hyperplasia
Small diameter synthetic vascular grafts have high failure rate due to the thrombosis and intimal hyperplasia formation. Compliance mismatch between the synthetic graft and native artery has …
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Role of Intimal Hyperplasia and Arterial …
Abstract The arterial response to injury appears to be an important factor in the development of restenosis. Traditionally, intimal hyperplasia has been thought to be the primary mechanism responsible for restenosis. …
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Therapeutic strategies to combat neointimal hyperplasia in …
Neointimal hyperplasia (NIH) is an important clinical entity in vascular surgery because it limits the long-term effectiveness of surgical and endovascular interventions. NIH is usually defined in …
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Morphology of intimal hyperplasia
Although intimal hyperplasia may become the anatomic basis of an atherosclerotic lesion, it is distinctly different from a plaque: inflammatory cells, excessive intracellular and extracellular …
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Dynamin-related protein 1 mediates the therapeutic effect of
Effect of silencing DRP1 on DM-induced intimal hyperplasia. A T2D mouse model was established by 60% HFD and intraperitoneal injection with STZ (40 mg/kg/day). Wire …
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